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Lambton Ladies Hockey League


Monday Night Rec. Division

Last week's Monday night game the weather won, shutting down the games and postponed to Feb 16.


Wednesday Night Elite Division


The Twisted Sticksters defeated the Blackhawks by a score of 3-0. Goal scorers were Jane Pilkey, Courtney Kerslake and Kimber Williams. Karley Ferguson recorded the shut out.


The Sleeping Beauties hung on to win 2-1 over the Flags. Corin Savo and Julie Vandersteen scored for the Sleeping Beauties while Keegan Clatsworthy had the lone goal for the Flags.


Brownstones defeated the Fiddicks Foxes by a score of 5-2. Alex Pearson lead the way with 2 and Rebecca Hardick, Tosha Lobsinger and Heather Riddock added singles. Meghan Ravensburg scored both goals for the Foxes.









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