2022 Bud Morrison Award
The Bud Morrison Award recognizes a person who over a number of years has made significant contributions  to the youth in their sport endeavors. (ie: coach, manager, official, trainer, facility maintenance, including school officials)

Bud Morrison Award
Murray and Denise Rempel

Murray and Denise Rempel are winners of the Bud Morrison Award for many years of significant contributions to young people in sports.

Murray, a former Sarnia Minor Athletic Association president, coached or volunteered for baseball, fastball and taekwondo. He was, in fact, a St. Clair Taekwondo volunteer of the year award winner on no less than four separate occasions. He is a former James Chaytor Award winner and an SMAA Life member.

Denise is also a Chaytor winner and an SMAA Life member. Her many jobs over the years have included coaching, serving as a taekwondo director and even working at concession stands.

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